A.P.O. - ELMOS v.o.s., Pražská 90, Nová Paka 509 01
tel. +420 493 504 261, fax: +420 493 504 257, e-mail: [email protected]
Display setting
Panelmeter AP 11 is equipped with three-colour display with possibility to set permanent colour changes or
changes with relation to the amount of measured value. You will appreciate this function namely with in-
stant visual check of limits, within which measured value oscillates. E.g. if measured value oscillates wi-
thin the correct range it flashes in green (G). If the value is lower it flashes in yellow (Y). If maximum al-
lowed limit is exceeded it flashes in red (R). Display colours in dependence on measured value can be mo-
dified as needed. Colour and display parameters can be set in regulator menu (key MENU) and scrolling to
parameter dis-1 to dis-4.
Fig. 29 schematically shows principle of colour change in dependence on measured value.
In regulator Menu it is necessary to set to which sector (SEC-0, SEC-1 and SEC-2) the particular colour is as-
signed (R, G, Y). Then it is necessary to set limits within which the measured value should oscillate. Bottom
limit is defined with parameter LO and top limit with HI. With this setting we suppose that required value
is located in sector 1 (SEC-1) and if it oscillates within set limits, display flashes in green. If the value falls
below LO (sector 0) it starts flashing in yellow and on contrary if measured value rises on the top limit HI
display starts flashing in red. Colours assigned to individual sectors SEC-0, SEC-1, SEC-2 can be changed in
regulator menu as needed. If you want to change display colour permanently without any relation to mea-
sured value set the same colour to all parameters SEC0, SEC1, SEC2 .
With requirement for two colour display set only one of two limit parameters LO or HI separating two neig-
hbouring sectors and set for one sector e.g. red colour (R) and for remaining two sectors green (G).
fig. 29
In menu for display properties setting DIS-1 to DIS-2, intensity of display light can be set. Scroll to pa-
rameter LIGHT in menu. In setting mode display light intensity can be set to 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%
with keys UP and DOWN. Change of display light intensity is common for all inputs.
Change of display colour according to measured value is always related to selected input!
When coloured display is required, this option has to be indicated with panelmeter order.
On single-coloured display menu DIS- (x) is not displayed.