An alternate way to open the "Probe Tip Offset Calibration" window for probe Z offset is to
double click on "Calibration probe Z offset" from "Wizard" pane.
Press "Next" in the "Probe Tip Offset Calibration" window to move probe to the home
Home position is defined at the left bottom of scan table when standard calibration probe
barely touching the table surface.
After the robot goes to the home position, check if the probe is barely touching the scan table.
If the height needs to be adjusted, click on "Robot Movement", and move the probe up or
down to make it barely touching the scan table surface.
Figure 9:"Robot Movement" window.
When adjustment is done, click on "Close" to close the robot movement window, then click
on "Finish" and "yes" to save the changes. The "Z offset" then will be updated with the
adjustment number.
Figure 10: Z offset number has been updated.