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Troubleshooting G uide
How to fix
Pressing too soon
Wait for to stay on the screen before pressing
Incorrect standard solutions
Reboot tester, calibrate pH 7 first, then pH 4. For details refer to
Section 5.2 (a)
Poor quality standard solutions
Replace with fresh and clean standard calibration solutions made
by legitimate scientific instrument manufacturers.
Contaminated probe
Use a soft brush to clean the probe with Apera probe cleaning
solution or detergent water.
Aged probe
Replace the probe.
Dried-out probe
Soak in Apera 3M KCL soaking solution for at least 30 minutes.
Probe is not fully submerged
Make sure the probe is immersed in the solution at least 1 inch.
Air bubbles around the sensor shield
Make a quick stir in the solution to remove air bubbles.
Contaminated probe
Use a soft brush to clean the probe with Apera probe cleaning
solution or detergent water.
Clogged junction
Use a soft brush to clean the probe with Apera probe cleaning
solution or detergent water, then soak it in Apera 3M KCL soaking
solution overnight.
Aged probe
Replace the probe.
Testing pure water like
tap/drinking/RO/distilled water
Be patient, wait for 1-5 minutes to reach a fully stabilized reading.
If still not stabilizing, add Apera 3M KCL solution to test water at
1:1000 ratio.
Broken probe
If you don’t find any visible damage of the probe, contact us for
warranty fulfillment; If there is visible damage, replace the probe.
Instrument defect
Contact us for warranty fulfillment
Probe is not fully submerged in the
Make sure the probe is immersed into solution at least 1 inch.
Air bubbles around the sensor shield
Make a quick stir in the solution to remove air bubbles.
Probe is not properly connected or the
connector is broken.
Check the probe’s connector, make sure it’s not broken and is
correctly connected. Align the probe and instrument correctly
before plugging in. Never force it. Ensure that the probe
connector is not exposed to the air too long.
Aged probe
Replace the probe.
Air bubbles around the sensor shield
Make a quick stir in the solution to remove air bubbles.
Clogged junction
Clean the probe with cleaning solution, then soak it in 3M KCL
storage solution overnight
Comparison with other testers, test strips,
or drop tests
To compare accuracy with other testers, make sure to perform
calibration for all testers in the same standard, then test another
standard. Whichever gives more accurate reading is the more
accurate one. Test strips or drop tests’ accuracy is not comparable
to pH meters’.
Poor quality standard solutions
Replace with fresh and clean standard calibration solutions made
by legitimate scientific instrument manufacturers.
The probe is not suitable for your
Contact us to find the most appropriate product for your specific
Cannot calibrate
Reading is always slowly
changing, won’t stabilize.
Display similar readings in
any solutions or always
display 7.0 pH
Reading keeps jumping
Calibration is successful,
but reading is not accurate