Top type means: crossover type for the L/R channels. This parameter is linked for both channels.
Sub type means: crossover type for the Sub channels
There are different types of crossover characteristic selectable:
OFF -> no crossover, the channels work at full range, valid for L/R amplifiers only.
L-R 48 -> Linkwitz-Riley 48 dB/octave (default)
L-R 24 -> Linkwitz-Riley 24 dB/octave
L-R 12 -> Linkwitz-Riley 12 dB/octave
BUT 48 -> Butterworth 48 dB/octave
BUT 24 -> Butterworth 48 dB/octave
FIRST6 -> First order filter or 6 dB/octave
Sub freq and Top freq means: the crossover frequency. This is freely selectable.
Sub lo cut means: the frequency where the 48dB/octave subsonic filter will be active. Valid
parameters are: OFF or 10 to 80 Hz. Filter slope is L-R48 and cannot be changed.
Sub phase: when set to OFF, the sub channel is in phase with the L/R channels. When set to the
“ON” position, sub phase is 180°, also called phase reverse. If the low frequency response of
your system is insufficient, experiment with the phase setting first.
Fine tuning can be done via the DELAY menu.
BAND: select band 1 to 4
TYPE: select equalizer type: HPF, LO SHELF, PEAK, HI SHELF, LPF
FREQ: select equalizer frequency
GAIN: set equalizer gain
Q: set Q-factor
All equalizer frequencies can be freely selected.
These Q-factors are selectable:
0.08 , 0.12 , 0.18 , 0.25 , 0.35 , 0.50 , 0.71 , 1.00 , 1.41 , 2.00 , 2.83 , 4.00 , 5.66 , 8.0 ,
11.3 , 16.0
The higher the Q-value, the more narrow the bandwidth of the equalizer.
If you are not familiar with equalizer settings and Q-factors, leave the Q-factor to its default
setting of 0.71!
HPF stands for high pass filter: all frequencies below the selected frequency will be cut.
LPF stands for low pass filter: all frequencies above the selected frequency will be cut.
NOTE: with a Q-factor of 0.71 (default), the -3 dB point equals the selected frequency for HPF
and LPF. HPF and LPF have a fixed slope of 12 dB/octave.