parameter to OFF. Changes will be displayed only when EQ is set to ON.
EQTYPE: possible commands: GET, SET. You have to specify the equalizer band from 1 to 4.
Possible values are OFF, HPF, LOSHELF, PEAK, HISHELF, LPF. A command could look like this:
“GET EQTYPE 3”. The unit will reply: “EQTYPE 3 PEAK” indicating that the third band of the
equalizer is a peaking type equalizer.
: possible commands: GET, SET. You have to specify the equalizer band from 1 to
4. Possible values are from 10 to 20000. An instruction could look like this: “SET EQFREQ 2
1000”, indicating that you want to set the equalizer center frequency of equalizer band 2 to
1000 Hz. The unit will reply: “EQFREQ 2 1000” if the frequency is changed and VALFB is ON.
: possible commands: GET, SET. You have to specify the equalizer band from 1 to 4.
Possible values are from -12 to 12 (dB) in 0.1 dB steps. An instruction could look like this: “SET
EQGAIN 2 3.5” indicating that you want to set the equalizer gain of equalizer band 2 to 3.5 dB.
The unit will reply: “EQGAIN 2 3.5”.
: possible commands: GET, SET. You have to specify the equalizer band from 1 to
4. Possible values are 0.08, 0.12, 0.18, 0.25, 0.35, 0.50, 0.71, 1.00, 1.41, 2.00, 2.83, 4.00,
5.66, 8.00, 11.3, 16.0. A command could look like this: “SET EQQFACTOR 3 2.00”. The unit
will reply “EQQFACTOR 3 2.00”
: possible commands: GET, SET. You have to specify the channel: LEFT, RIGHT or ALL for
both and also the value between 0.0 and 6.0 in 0.1 meter steps. An instruction could look like
this: “SET DELAY RIGHT 2”. The unit will reply: “DELAY RIGHT 2.0”
: possible commands: GET, SET. Binary values are ON, OFF. When AUTOLD is ON,
a gentle boost of low and high frequencies will be applied to the audio signal on low volume
settings. At high volume settings, the effect is gradually switched off.
: possible commands: GET, SET. Binary values are ON, OFF. Use this parameter to
enable or disable the external volume control option. Please note that enabling the external
volume will always disable the volume control function using the front dial! When the unit is
locked, it will still be possible to control the volume via the external volume control, however, the
maximum set master level will always be respected. External volume control will always be in 2
dB steps, whereas front dial volume control is possible in 1 dB steps. This is not a malfunction!
: possible commands: GET, SET. Possible values are LOCKED, UNLOCKED,
VOL_ONLY. Suppose you want to lock the front panel operation via an RS232 command, in
this case the command looks like this: “SET LOCKMD LOCKED”. The password to unlock the
unit can be changed only via the front panel controls, not via RS232. This means that any user
capable of communicating with this unit is able to unlock the front panel controls using RS232
commands. However, the RS232 commands can be locked. The procedure is described below,
see “RS232LOCK”.