800 Cottageview Dr. Suite 211 Traverse City, MI 49684 Toll Free: 800-819-0095 Fax: 231-933-0091 [email protected]
Last Updated 01/02/09 EHS
2. Choose whether you will be doing a Full or a Partial PI.
3. DO NOT use the “Edit By Exception” option during the PI Wizard for these any PI that you’ll be
using scanners/collectors.
4. Complete the wizard. Allow system a few moments to finish building the PI
5. F10 to Save the Master PI record. This record will always have a status of Open until you
complete the PI.
6. Scan titles, connect cable to scanner, go to the Master PI record, go to Actions, and choose “Get
Data from Scanner”.
7. Wait until scanner is finished beeping and flashing before removing now empty scanner from the
8. The newly downloaded batch will be shown on the List tab of the PI with a batch number and a
Status of “Scan”. Select this record and go to the Details tab
9. You can print this batch or review to locate any titles that were mis-scanned or are problematic.
Once the review is complete, you should immediately click “Consolidate Quantities” and F10
Save before editing the batch.
10. Leave the batch in natural order to view any miss-scanned items or items not found in the
inventory. You should attempt to Fetch these items if they are valid ISBNs (alt+F5), or delete
them from the batch if they are bad scans before posting the batch.
11. Post the completed batch record to update the “CountQty” on the Master PI record. The master
PI record is green in the list tab and has a status of Open. When a batch is posted it’s countqty
value gets added to the countqty on the master PI. When a Scan batch has been posted it will
now have a Status of “Update”.
12. Every so often return to the Master PI record (Open Status) and summarize the batch quantities
added to it. Batches that were posted had their qty’s added to the CountQty in the master PI.
Doing an “F12 Post Update” in the master PI will add the CountQty values to the TotalCount
column and will create a batch record with the status of “Manual” as an audit trail for you later.
13. Every few hours save your work, and close out of the PI. Go to the Tools menu and run a
quickbackup, then Reindex. This will give you restore points in case of a serious problem with
your network or hardware or if you later realize there were items miscounted.
14. Towards the end use the Master PI and the Stock Check reports with your hand counts to note
any non-scannable items. Be sure to post those updates.
15. Before finalizing the total count run an exception report or sorting by the Discrepancy to find any
items potentially missed.
16. When you are satisfied with the count, run a fresh quickbackup, reindex. You must do one more
summarize of quantities on the Master PI by using the “F12 Post Update” or the Alt+F12 button
will not be available.
17. Then you can finalize your changes by using the “Alt+F12 Adjust Inventory” option. BE
PATIENT! This change is updating every single inventory item in your system and can take
several minutes. Do not interrupt this process. When it is finished you will see the Master PI
record has a Status of Complete.
DOs and DONTs. Tips for Troubleshooting
You must be on 5.16.058 or higher for the PI
If you utilize ‘fetch’, verify it is working properly before uploading the data collector.
Every inventory item should have a Department and a Section before starting the PI. Please
refer to the document titled “PI PI Physical Inventory Overview” for more detail found on the
Customer Zone under Documents. Also view the Video Trainers found on the Customer Zone as
If you will be doing a Partial PI, consider restricting each Master PI record to one section. If you
must do multiple sections per batch, be sure to NOT DOUBLE UP on a section. IE, do not
attempt to include the same section in PI #3 and in PI#6. Posting PI # 6 after #3 will mean that