(Only USBLockin)
uses output channel 1 to create a ramp at AUX
channel 0 & 1. The boundaries are given with “from” and “to”. Taking the requested amount of
“steps” into account, a formula calculates the step size and also returns a value “current AUX”
displayed in Volts.
Example Diode (see
Manual Anfatec PCI-Lockin Amplifier AMU2.4 – Rev. 1.10 dated 30/09/20
Page 44 (70)
Figure 37: Frontpanel of the
The Aux-output is connected to a diode and swept from 0 V to 3 V, while the DC current
through the diode is detected as volatge drop over a resistor and recorded as DC signal
“In” with the input of the lockin amplifier.
Figure 36: Block-diagram of the