Channel selection:
is done from a drop down list, which shows only the available channels.
The two
above the drop down list for channel selection display the “scaling factor per
vertical division” (= left number, hint: “y-scale in /div”, example: 12.90 nV/div) and the mean
value. Both are calculated from all data acquired from the left oscilloscope edge till the current
oscilloscope time. Therefore, these numbers are subsequently re-calculated.
Vertical scaling types:
the scaling is set to maximum value of the channel
the maximum value can be changed by a slider appearing on the right
sight of the scaling type selection
the program calculates the the optimum, but takes always “0” as minimum
automatically scaled
“Time scaling”
is done with the edit window (right sight) in seconds.
“Save Pic”
saves the oscilloscope screen in a bitmap file.
“Draw mode”
selects whether the data are drawn as dots or lines.
Right-click on the right number to change its meaning from RMS
to Mean or StdDev.
Manual Anfatec PCI-Lockin Amplifier AMU2.4 – Rev. 1.10 dated 30/09/20
Page 17 (70)
Figure 7: Screen shot of the software oscilloscope