2885 Country Drive #190 · St. Paul, MN 55117 · 800-348-1316 · www.leaktools.com
Principle of the LeakTrac 2400:
When an electrical charge is placed into the water of a vinyl lined swimming pool
(or other containment vessel that has electrically insulating walls) the electricity
will seek to make a connection to ground. The electrical current flow from the in-
put float, to the point of the ground connection will create a detectable current
path in the water. We call this detectable electrical current path a “Leak Track”.
The sophisticated LeakTrac 2400 detects these “Leak Tracks”, by measuring the
differential voltage potential at different points in the pool, and translates this in-
formation into audible clicking sounds that increase in frequency as the voltage
differential increases.
When the LeakTrac probe is aligned with current flow a rapid clicking is pro-
duced. When it is not aligned the clicking decreases or stops altogether. As the
probe is moved toward the point of low resistance the “Leak Track” becomes
more focused creating a greater differential voltage and a more rapid clicking.
The operator uses the clicking sounds to effectively pinpoint low resistance con-
nections from inside the pool to ground.
Leak Track