Anderson Greenwood
SerieS 5200 POSrV
InstallatIon and MaIntenance InstructIons
Before installation these instructions must be fully read and understood
engineering doc nr. 05.9040.370 rev. D
© 2017 emerson. All rights reserved.
VCIoM-02850-en 18/02
TAble oF ConTenTs
1. General valve description and start-up ....... 1
2. Main valve maintenance ............................... 2
3. Pilot maintenance ......................................... 8
4. Accessories maintenance........................... 10
5. Valve assembly ............................................ 12
6. Pilot pre-set pressure adjustment ............ 12
7. Valve assembly testing................................ 13
8. Pilot set pressure field test procedure ...... 15
9. Soft goods repair kits .................................. 16
1 GenerAl VAlVe desCrIpTIon And
1.1 operation
The Series 5200 valve is designed for ASMe
Section i economizer and ASMe Section Viii
steam service. The valve has modulating
action; the main valve will open at nameplate
set, but only opening an amount proportional
to the relieving capacity required. As process
pressure increases, the valve will open more
and be in full lift at 103% of set.
The main valve uses the principle of differential
areas between the main valve dome and seat
to hold the disc closed up to set pressure. At
set pressure, the pilot relieves, depressurizing
the volume on the top side/dome of the piston.
1.2 Installation
Both the inlet and outlet have standard ANSi
flanges that should be installed in accordance
with accepted piping practices. For Section i
economizer applications, the valve is supplied
with a body drain fitting, which should be piped
away to a condensate collection system. For
Section Viii applications, a body drain fitting is
not available.
The valve can be insulated and/or heat traced
to prevent freezing of condensate in the valve
or tubing. The main valve cap must not be
insulated as this will obstruct the convection
cooling process that keeps the main valve
dome filled with condensate. refer to Anderson
Greenwood Crosby Procedures #05.9040.352
(VCiOM-06043 installation and Start-up
instructions) and #05.9040.372 (Winterization
Guidelines) for more information regarding
winterization requirements.
This valve can be plumbed for internal or
remote sense (see Figure 1). For internal
sense, a sense ring with a pitot tube is installed
between the valve and process flange and the
pitot tube port in the sense ring is plumbed to
the pilot supply port. For remote sense, the
sense ring is not required and the pilot supply
port can be plumbed to a remote location
on the process piping. remote pressure
pick-up piping up to 100 feet [30 m] in
length must have an inside diameter not
less than 0.245" [6 mm], which is the same
as the inside diameter of ⅜" x 0.065" wall
[10 mm x 2 mm wall] seamless tubing.
Line pressure acting on the underside of the
disc causes the disc to lift, permitting discharge
from the main valve. As capacity relief of the
system is satisfied, system pressure will begin
to decrease. When it does, the pilot will actuate
and direct system pressure to the top side of
the main valve piston, closing the disc against
the nozzle.
The pilot is a non-flowing type. With the main
valve open and relieving at steady pressure,
no process fluid flows through the pilot. When
process pressure changes, the pilot actuates to
change the lift of the main valve piston. During
these actuations a small amount of fluid from
the main valve dome flows through the pilot
and is discharged through the pilot exhaust.
For lengths greater than 100 feet [30 m],
larger tubing or pipe should be used. For
greater mechanical integrity of a remote sense
line, consider using a minimum ¾" pipe size
for remote sense line longer than 20 feet,
transitioned to ⅜" tubing near the POSrV. The
remote sense line should be self draining or
winterized, as required.