Anderson Group
Double Stretcher – Operator’s Manual
Anderson limited warranty
The one-year warranty period begins on the date that the new equipment is sold to
the customer . If your equ ipment is u sed for co mmercial or rental purposes, th is
warranty will only be vali d for a period of 1 year or a maxi mum of 5000 bal es for
trailers, individual bale wrappers, and inline wrappers.
If during the y ear fo llowing the purcha se of a new ma chine, yo ur Ander son
equipment f ails t o fu nction properly due to def ective des ign, materi als,
manufacturing, or assembly, our company will repair your equipment free of charge.
Keep your original invoice or a photocopy. Please refer to your invoice whenever you
order parts, have questions about the operating procedures of your mac hine, or for
any questions you may have concerning your warranty.
Replacement o r repair o f equ ipment par ts m ust be perfo rmed by an aut horized
Anderson deal er. This incl udes part s a nd l abour o nly. All wo rk mus t b e
preauthorized by the Anderson customer service department.
The cu stomer w ill b e re sponsible for tra nsporting the eq uipment t o / from t he
authorized dealer.
The dealer will describe the terms of this warranty to the customer before the retail
sale a nd wi ll reco rd t he da te of purc hase, the serial number, a nd t he equi pment
To have equ ipment repaired un der the wa rranty; t he cu stomer mu st advi se h is
dealer as s oon as po ssible of the pro blem and reques t that t he repai rs be made
according to the terms of the applicable warranty.
Understanding that it is our desire to always improve on our products, our company
reserves the right to modify its machines, their characteristics, and their parts at any
time without advance notice or obligation.
In no e vent will Anderson be liable for any incidental or consequential damages or
injuries, including but not limited to loss of profits, rental of substitute equipment, or
other commercial or p ersonal loss or d amages arising as a resu lt of a fund amental
breach or breach of a fundamental term.
Notwithstanding the foregoing