Anderson Group
Double Stretcher – Operator’s Manual
Maintenance and repairs
The double stretcher system requires only minimal maintenance. This chapter explains how to
maintain and adjust your double stretcher system to insure its smooth running and avoid any
premature wearing of parts.
Be sure to fol low and respec t all procedures in the
operator’s manual of the wrapper.
Before maki ng any repairs or maintena nce to your
machine, rem ove the igni tion key from t he engine
and store it i n the black ca se in the fron t of the
wrapper. Thi s will avoid any accidental starting of
the engine.
It is impor
tant that w
hen maintena ncing the
wrapper to re spect the safety procedures. Consult
chapter 2 to review these safety measures.
Before yo u w eld anythi ng on the wrapper, remove
the con nections from the b attery of the wrapper.
Also c onnect the ground of the welder c lose t o
where you will be making the repair.
This section presents the me thods of clean ing your double s tretcher. Con sult user manual o f
the wrapper to obtain information on cleaning other components of the wrapper.
After each use, clean the stain less steel arm of t he stretcher with brake cleaner to completely
remove an y res idue from t he p lastic f ilm. If n eeded, use fine sandpaper to r emove an y
roughness or anything that may cause the arm to harm the plastic film.
Adjusting the plastic cut and hold
If the plastic cut and hold closes correctly and cuts correctly but does not hold on to the plastic
correctly after it has been cut; adjust the cut and hold as follows:
Lengthen the bolt si tuated in th e back of the blac k bumper on the cut and hold
(Figure 12) so that it moves the rubber bumper towards the fingers of the plastic cut.
They should now grab the plastic firmly.