when WAIT5 => -- Continue Delay
w_ack <= '0';
w_ack_v <= '1';
next_wstate <= WAIT6;
when WAIT6 => -- Release Delay
w_ack <= '1';
w_ack_v <= '1';
next_wstate <= WAIT0;
end case;
end process wait_state;
-- *************************************************
-- Codec Reset
-- *************************************************
cdc_rst: process(clk, addr, cs_bar, reset)
variable cdc_cnt: std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
if (reset = '1') then -- If reset
cdc_cnt := (others => '0'); -- reset counter
codec_rst_bar <= '0'; -- pass reset to codec
elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then -- otherwise (key on rising edge)
if (cdc_cnt = "00000") then -- if counter hasn't started
if ((addr = "0100") AND (cs_bar = '0')) then -- check if reset
cdc_cnt := c 1; -- Start counter
codec_rst_bar <= '0'; -- Reset codec
else -- if not reset
codec_rst_bar <= '1'; -- hold reset high
end if;
else -- if counter has started
cdc_cnt := c 1; -- increment counter
codec_rst_bar <= '0'; -- Reset codec
end if;
end if;
end process cdc_rst;
To use the CODEC controls, reference the buffer.asm and .ldf files provided with the demos. These files
provide access to the necessary variables by overlapping the locations of the variables.