4. To read register values from a file and load the values to the ADCMXL. Press the Read
button in the Register Access Form. Use the file open dialog to select a properly formatted
RegDump.csv file. Press Open. The values will be written to the registers of the ADCMXL
Alarm Values Form
Allows for the entry of Alarm frequency band values for each of the six bands and four Sample
Rate Options. Default values are stored in the application. Alarms must be enabled by setting
values in the ALM_CTRL register available in the Register Access Form. Alarm values can be
saved in non-volatile memory of the DUT by accessing the Command register available in the
Register Access Form.
Figure 12 Alarm Values Form, the default values are loaded from the nonvolatile memory of the DUT.
Alarm Status Form
Displays the alarm status for the current capture. Alarm band line values are shown on FFT plots
if the Alarm Status Form is visible.
Figure 13 Alarm Status form.