Note: EVAL-ADCM and EVAL-ADCM-1 are identical kits except for included ADcmXL modules.
As such, one can evaluate both ADcmXL3021 and ADcmXL1021-1 using EVAL-ADCM (or EVAL-
ADCM-1) provided that an ADcmXL1021-1 (or ADcmXL3021) module is ordered separately.
Minimum PC System Requirements
Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 10
.NET Framework 4.5
Minimum Required Hardware
Cypress Semiconductor EZ-USB® FX3 Development Kit (with included USB3.0 A to B
cable), shown in Figure 1.
ADCMXL_BRKOUT/PCBZ, shown in Figure 2.
ADcmXL FX3 Interface board, shown in Figure 3
ADcmXL device, shown in Figure 4.
Figure 1 CypresFX3USBKit-003
Figure 3 ADcmXL FX3 Interface Board
Figure 4 ADcmXL3021 module