Step 1
Plug in the ADcmXL FX3 Interface Board to the Cypress FX3 Evaluation Board.
Figure 7 Pin 3 on both J1 and J2 should be cut.
Note: On the ADcmXL FX3 Interface Board, the 2 connectors that interface to FX3 board must
have Pin 3 on both headers cut. If not already snipped, these pins must be cut or bent out of the
way otherwise the FX3 board will not plug in together as these pins are keyed on the FX3 Board.
Step 2
Connect the FX3 and ADcmXL FX3 Interface Board together and connect additional 2 jumpers
for the Cypress FX3 Evaluation Kit. (There are 4 jumpers in total and all should be placed on the
FX3 board as shown in the figure below).
Figure 8 All four jumpers should be connected.