Welcome To FileTransfer2
— Opens the Enter DPS dialog, where you can view/edit the D:P:S assignment
of the source device for the selected file. If the file being transferred is a TPD file, and is
being sent via serial connection, then the Enter DPS dialog also offers a Connect Directly
To the Device - No Master option.
Transfer Command Buttons
Both tabs (Send and Receive) contain the following set of command buttons:
— With a file selected in the Files To Send/Files to Receive tables, use these
buttons to move the file up and down in the list. The order in which the files are
represented in this table is the same order in which the files will be sent.
— Click to add a new file to the Files To Send/Files to Receive tables. This option
opens the Select Files For File Transfer dialog where you can select to send all files
contained in a Project or System, an individual Project/System file (assuming the Project/
System is contained within the currently open Workspace), or any other file (not
contained in the open Workspace).
— Click to remove a selected file in the Files To Send/Files to Receive tables.
Remove All
— Click to remove all files from the Files To Send/Files to Receive tables.
— With a file selected in the Files To Send table, click the Edit command button to
open the Edit menu.
(Send tab only) — Click to send the file(s) in the Files To Send table to the
specified device(s).
(Receive tab only) — Click to receive the file(s) in the Files To Receive table to
the specified device(s).
— Click to exit the FileTransfer2 application.
Edit Menu
With a file selected in either the Send or Receive tab, click the Edit command button to open the
Edit menu, containing the following options:
— This option is only available if you have selected a TPD or TP4 touch panel
UI file.
If you have selected a TPD (TPdesign3) file, this option opens the TPD Transfer Options
dialog, where you can select which parts of the TPD file to include when the file is sent
(the options are Bitmaps, Fonts and Icons - by default they are all selected).
If you have selected a TP4 (TPDesign4) file, this option opens the TP4 Transfer Options
dialog, where you can select to enable Smart Transfer. Smart Transfer automatically
optimizes the transfer by identifying the various components (fonts, bitmaps, sound files,
even pages and popup pages) of the selected panel file, and comparing them to the
elements already present on the target panel. Any shared components are not sent,
resulting in a much faster transfer (assuming that there are shared components).