Welcome To FileTransfer2
Transfer Status Window
Once you have started a file transfer operation, the following types of status information are
displayed in the File Transfer Status tab of the Output Display window:
— The type of transfer (sending or receiving).
— The current state of the transfer (Pending, Transferring, Complete or Failed).
— The communications settings used to establish communication with the
target device.
— The number(s) used to identify the target device on the bus or the message
"Direct to Device (No Master)" if the target device does not reside behind a master.
— The name and extension of the file being transferred.
— The full path of the file being transferred.
Bytes Transferred
— The number of bytes transferred, and the total number of bytes left
to transfer.
— An error message if an error has occurred.
Last Transfer
— The time and date of the last transfer.
Transfer Status Context Menu
Right-click on any file listed in the Transfer Status List to access the Transfer Status context menu:
Copy All Items
— Copies all items in the list to the clipboard.
Copy Selected Items
— Copies only the selected items in the list to the clipboard.
Save All Items
— Saves all items to a user-defined file. You will be prompted for a file
name to save the contents of the tab.
Save Selected Items
— Saves only the selected items to a user-defined file. You will be
prompted for a file name to save the contents of the tab.
— Clears all the items within the list.).
If the selected file is in progress, the following additional options are available:
Cancel Current Transfer
— Cancels the selected transfer.
Cancel Selected Transfer Items
— Cancels all selected transfer items (shift + click to
select multiple items in the Transfer Status List).
Cancel Remaining Transfer Items
— Cancels all items in the Transfer Status List that
have not yet been transferred.
Cancel All Transfer Items
— Cancels all items in the Transfer Status List.