Setting Program Preferences
Setting Program Preferences
Select Settings > Preferences to access the Preferences dialog. Use the options in this dialog to set
various (global) default preferences for FileTransfer2.
Preferences dialog
Use the options in the Preferences dialog (Settings > Preferences) to set default preferences for file
transfer operations. The options on this tab include:
File Transfer Options
Automatically select reboot when sending a TKN file (default = enabled).
When sending a TKN, automatically send the associate SRC (default = enabled).
Automatically choose "Smart Transfer" when sending a TP4 file (default = disabled).
By default, select "Send Bitmaps" when sending a TPD file (default = enabled).
By default, select "Send Icons" when sending a TPD file (default = enabled).
By default, select "Send Fonts" when sending a TPD file (default = enabled).
By default, connect directly to a touch panel (no master) whenever transferring TPD files
(only available for Serial Connections) (default = disabled).
When started from a console, auto-close when all console file transfers are finished. Any
interaction with the GUI will prevent this (default = enabled).
Show "Load List" summary (default = enabled).
Workspace Options
Restore Workspace on Startup (default = enabled).
Display System Configuration Setting in the Identifier (default = enabled).
After opening a Workspace File: These options allow you to control how the application
behaves when a Workspace file (AXW) is opened:
Visit the "Quick Load" dialog (default)
Visit the "Add" dialog
Do nothing after opening a Workspace file
General Options
Recent File List size (default = 9).