American Mine Research
12187 North Scenic Highway
Rocky Gap, VA 24366
Signal Strength Meter
The signal strength meter is shown with five different symbols, depending on the previous signal
strength read.
Table 2
, below, lists the five different symbols that may appear while using the
messenger. Unfortunately there isn’t a distance that can be placed with each tier except the
highest value, if the messenger is showing the highest value then it is assured that it is within a
close proximity to a Mine Net reader or a Mine Net wireless PAD device. Refer to box three in
, on page 9, to find to location of the signal strength meter.
Signal Strength Symbol
No signal detected
Weak signal detected. There is one signal bar
that has an orange color.
Low signal detected. There are two signal bars
that have a yellow color.
Medium signal detected. There are three signal
bars that have a green color.
High signal detected. There are four signal bars
that have a green color and this represents the
closest distance to a reader or a PAD.
Table 2. Signal Strength Symbols and their Descriptions