The brake cables are mounted on the two front breaks (see picture 5D and 5E):
The umbraco screw on the right hand side brake lever is loosened
Ensure that the break pad sits straight vis-‐à-‐vis the rim
The screws on the side of the break levers are adjusted so that the two break levers have equal
suspension / are equally hard to push in towards the rim
The brake cables are pulled through the quarter-‐circular shaped cable holders and are mounted
in the break lever. The rubber suspension is akached.
Ensure that there is a couple of mm movement flexibility and then 5ghten the umbraco screw.
Ensure that the break pads do not touch the rim on both sides when the wheel is turned
Follow the same procedure for the back break (see picture 5F).
The gear is tested. If the gear “clicks” or it feels difficult to change gear for some of the six levels, please
use the plas5c hand-‐screw located where the gear cable meet the gear to adjust it.
The frame number is stamped into the frame on the le; side of the bike – just in front of the le;
Remember to adjust and re-‐Aghten all moving parts on the bike a;er some weeks of use. If re-‐
Aghtening of the spokes are needed, please use a spoke Aghtener.
Picture 5D
Picture 5E
Picture 5F
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