Step 1: Assembly of the back and front frame
When the parts have been taken out of the boxes and wrapping, place the front frame upside down on
two chairs.
Place the back frame upside down "on top” of the front frame. Avoid taking the plas5c on the luggage
carrier off to avoid scratches in the paint.
The main bolt is mounted from below as shown in picture 1A, 1B, and 1C by using a hammer or something
similar. It should fit 5ghtly. The bearings should be lubricated with grease. Do not 5ghten the nut yet.
With the 7 large bolts, washers and nuts mount the bow-‐shaped and the two straight metal rods as shown
on image 1D, 1E, 1F, and 1G. The metal rods must be placed below the trazezodial plate as shown in
picture 1F. In order to avoid that the stainless steel locknuts get stuck halfway down on the bolt, use some
grease at the end of the bolts, before the nut is 5ghtened. Only when these are 5ghtened, 5ghten the large
nut on the main bolt as hard as possible, and insert the split.
Picture 1A
Picture 1C
Picture 1B
Picture 1D
Picture 1E
Picture 1F
Picture 1G
7 pcs. 14 mm bolts
(length: 25 mm)
7 pcs. 13 mm nuts
7 pcs. big washers
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