JetBlack Roller Instructions
Code: JBT-R1
Thank you for purchasing your JetBlack Roller
please thoroughly read the instructions below
before use. For more information or to register
your product, go to our website.
[email protected]
Congratulations on your purchase of the world’s
finest rollers. This is the ultimate tool for
training, balance, pedal technique and steering
coordination for better performance in competi-
tion. Rollers give and excellent workout with
moderate resistance. Your JetBlack rollers are a
professional training tool, designed for years of
trouble free service.
Setting Up Your Roller
Your rollers come fully assembled. Simply
unfold the unit and seat the band into the
grooves on the front and middle roller, so the
middle roller drives the front roller smoothly.
The front roller should be placed so that the
rollers axle is mounted slightly in front of the
bicycles front axle.
Bike Position
To move the front roller undo the retaining
knows and then unclip the roller from the frame,
by spreading the frame legs apart, (remember
the band will be tensioning the roller). Move
roller to the desired position and reattach.
Check that the band is still fitted firmly on the
front and middle rollers and retaining knobs are
tightened firmly.
Rollers Training Tips
Unless you are experience or have trained
supervision, it would be best to start out by
placing the roller in a doorway for stability. Start
riding with the bike in a vertical position in the
centre of the roller, if you are new at this you
may find it easier to start with your seat lower
down to help you get started in vertical position.
To stay in the centre of the roller it is tempting
to look down at your front wheel, avoid this
temptation and look forwards. It is best to look
at a spot or object (around 5m) ahead of you and
stay lined up with this spot.