User Manual for
AML Oceanographic’s
General Description of the Instrument
The AML Oceanographic X•S
eries instruments and Xchange
sensors are a major advancement
in ocean instrumentation. Swappable and interchangeable sensors dramatically improve the
capabilities of ocean instrumentation in the following ways:
Change the instrument sensor types while at sea within seconds, and without tools. A CTD
can be changed to a sound speed profiler by exchanging sensor heads.
To optimize the resolution and accuracy of sensor data, sensors can be swapped to change
the measurement range. For example, a 6000 dBar P•Xchange pressure sensor can be
wapped with a 500 dBar P•Xchange sensor; the salt water C•Xchange conductivity sensor
can be swapped for a fresh water C•Xchange conductivity sensor.
Sensors from one instrument can be swapped to another instrument to maintain mission-
critical capabilities.
Calibrated sensors can be sent from the factory to the instrument. The instrument is not
pulled from active duty for calibration.
Spare sensors ensure that an instrument can be immediately returned to active duty after
sustaining damage.
All calibration and traceability data resides within each Xchange
sensor. Calibration data
for all sensors is available from the instrument, and calibration certificates can be printed
from AML Oceanographic SeaCast software when the instrument is connected.
Logged data is stamped with sensor traceability and instrument configuration data.
Only Xchange
sensors are sent for calibration, leaving the instrument working in the field.
is the largest multi-sensor da
ta logging instrument of the X•S
eries family. It is designed
primarily for deep, winch-deployed profiling operations. Plus
•X is
available in two configurations:
P1S3: Equipped with one primary
sensor port
(C•Xchange, CT•Xchange
or SV•Xchange
and three secondary
sensor ports
P•Xchange, Tu•Xchange
). Up to four
additional analog ports can be added by the factory, if required.
P2S2: Equipped with two
primary Xchange™ sensor port
(C•Xchange, CT•Xchange or
SV•Xchange) and t
secondary Xchange™ sensor ports (T•Xchange, P•Xchange, Tu•Xchange).
Up to four additional analog ports can be added by the factory, if required.
•X is capable of logging continuously for
49 hours with fresh alkaline batteries. The actual life
varies somewhat depending on the sensors installed. Sampling rates are programmable by time (25
Hz to every 24 hours), by pressure (0.1 dbar or greater increments), or by sound speed (0.1 m/s or
greater increments). When logging at time intervals of 25 seconds or more, Plus
•X powers down
between samples to conserve the batteries.
Supported communication protocols for Plus•X are RS
-232 or RS-485. The instrument can be
powered both internally and externally.
Like all AML logging instruments,
can be equipped with a Data•Xchange to add wireless
capabilities and enhance data transfer rates.