Serial Communications
General Serial Communication Commands
Normally, we will use these general serial communications commands.
Read Number (F)
This command reads the value of a variable in the analyzer. The data sec-
tion of this command is a number from 00-FF. These numbers correspond
to the variable you wish to read. The table below provides a list of these
variables and their location codes. If a variable is selected beyond the end
of the table, an error will be returned. The value returned is followed by a
text string for the units, where applicable.
Request Oxygen with the following string:
Returned string:
A20.9 %O2D4
Write Number (H)
This command sets a value in the analyzer. The data section of this com-
mand is a two-digit hex number (00-FF) to point to the location to write
from the variable table, followed by the value of the variable. A simple
acknowledge is returned if the command was accepted.
Read Date and Time (M)
This command is used to read the dates and times stored in the analyzer.
The data consists of a single digit where 0 is used to read the current date
and time, 1 is used to read the date and time of the last calibration and 2
is used to read the date and time of the last verification. Date and time is
returned as mm/dd/yy hh:mm in 24 hour (military) time.
Set Date and Time (N)
This command is used to set the analyzer’s current date and time. The
data string is of the form: mm/dd/yy hh:mm in 24 hour (military) time.
Leading zeroes are required, for example: 03/18/93 20:02.