5-4 | Thermox CG1000 Oxygen Analyzer
The span display appears:
xx.x % Set xx.x %
Flow x sccm
Press ENTER to Span
5. Adjust the flow rate to 150 sccm (± 5 sccm) using the flow knob on the
front of the analyzer. Wait for the O
reading on the far left of the first
display line to stabilize. Once it does, press
. The reading on the
far right of the first display line shows the setpoint value you entered
using the
Cal Gas Values
menu option. This setpoint value should
match the cal gas cylinder for the O
span gas.
If your O
reading on the far left of the display has stabilized, yet is
not near the setpoint value on the right of the display, you may want
to check the cal gas value you entered and ensure that this value
matches the cal gas cylinder for the gas you applied to the calibration
inlet port of the sensor. Also, when performing a primary calibration
or the first calibration after a primary calibration, the reading and the
setpoint values often won’t match. Once the first regular calibration
after a primary calibration is performed, the readings should be close.
You are prompted to apply the O
zero gas to the inlet port of the sensor:
Inject Zero Gas
ENTER to Continue
CANCEL to Abort
6. Press
when you have applied this calibration gas.
The zero gas display appears:
xx.x % Set xx.x %
Flow x sccm
Press ENTER to Zero
7. Adjust the flow rate to 150 sccm (± 5 sccm) using the flow knob on the
front of the analyzer. Wait for the zero gas O
reading on the far left of
the first display line to stabilize. Once it does, press
. The reading
on the far right of the first display line shows the setpoint value you en-
tered using the
Cal Gas Values
menu option. The O
zero gas setpoint
value should match the cal gas cylinder for the O
zero gas.