PET Plus User Manual 9
1. Avoids handling toxic chemicals, which are not only expensive but are costly to dispose of.
2. Crystalline samples can easily be measured - as crystallinity INCREASES solubility
3. Samples can be taken directly from the plant to measure: -
IV of incoming raw material.
IV of regrind/virgin polymer mixture.
Drier Efficiency
Drop of IV in extruder.
Target value for moisture determination.
Melt stability/degradation rate.
IV in finished product / re-grind.
4. Relatively easy test to operate - does not need skilled laboratory staff, so shop floor staff can
easily be trained to obtain reliable and consistent results.
5. Saves time - quicker than the solvent method - results can be obtained in twenty minutes.
6. Saves money - after initial cost of equipment and accessories, electricity and nitrogen gas are
the only on-going costs.