3. Machine Main Power Shuts Down
” Indicator Off)
1a) Sprinkler activated.
2a) OL12 (overload #12) tripped.
3a) “UNDER VOLTAGE FEATURE” of main disconnect has tripped.
4a) Sprinkler circuit defective.
1b) Check if the sprinkler is activated, is “SPRINKLER RESET” button lit? Is the sprinkler alarm horn
“ON”? Does the sprinkler water valve have its “ON” indicator extended?
• If yes, it indicates that the sprinkler circuit has shutdown the Main Disconnect, press the lit
“SPRINKLER RESET” button, does it reset?
• If “NO,” go to
paragraph 2b below
2b) Verify that OL12 (overload #12) has not tripped
• If “YES,” check circuit, reset OL12, and test
• If “NO,” go to
paragraph 3b below
3b) The main disconnect has an “UNDER VOLTAGE DROP OUT FEATURE.” This feature requires
that 110 VAC be present to engage the disconnect switch. If 110 VAC is removed from
Pin #51
and Pin #52
on the switch, the disconnect will drop out automatically. Verify that 110 volts AC is
supplied to the disconnect and that wires are secure.
• If 110 VAC is present, the disconnect may be defective
• If 110 VAC is not present go to the
beginning of section 3 at the top of the page
4. Sprinkler circuit may be defective.