American DJ
- www.americandj.com - Tri Fecta™ Instruction Manual Page 9
American DJ
- www.americandj.com - Tri Fecta™ Instruction Manual Page 10
this jack, this will damage the PC board and void your manufactures
6. Audio Sensitivity Knob -
This adjust audio sensitivity of the
internal microphone (4). Turning the sensitivity knob in the clockwise
direction will increase the sensitivity to sound. Turning the knob in
the counter clockwise direction will decrease the fixture’s sensitivity
to sound. If the knob is turned completely in the counter-clockwise
direction the sound sensitivity function will turn off.
7. Dip Switches -
These switches serve two functions. In DMX mode
each switch corresponds to a specific value based on binary code.
See page 7 for a detailed explanation of DMX binary code.
8. XLR Output Jack -
This jack is used to transmit the incoming
DMX signal to another DMX fixture, or transmit a Master/Slave signal
to the next Tri Fecta™ in the chain. For best results in DMX or Master/
Slave mode terminate this jack if it is the last unit in the chain. See
“Terminator” on page 12.
Power Supply:
Before plugging your unit in, be sure the source volt-
age in your area matches the required voltage for your American DJ
Tri Fecta.™ The American DJ
Tri Fecta
is 120v only. Because line
voltage may vary from venue to venue, you should be sure your unit
voltages matches the wall outlet voltage before attempting to operate
you fixture.
DMX is short for Digital Multiplex. This is a universal pro-
tocol used as a form of communication between intelligent fixtures
and controllers.
A DMX controller sends DMX data instructions from
the controller to the fixture. DMX data is sent as serial data that trav-
els from fixture to fixture via the DATA “IN” and DATA “OUT” XLR ter-
minals located on all DMX fixtures (most controllers only have a DATA
“OUT” terminal).
DMX Linking:
DMX is a language allowing all makes and models of
different manufactures to be linked together and operate from a sin-
gle controller, as long as all fixtures and the controller are DMX com
To ensure proper DMX data transmission, when using several
DMX fixtures try to use the shortest cable path possible. The order
in which fixtures are connected in a DMX line does not influence the
DMX addressing. For example; a fixture assigned a DMX address of 1
may be placed anywhere in a DMX line, at the beginning, at the end,
or anywhere in the middle. When a fixture is assigned a DMX address
of 1, the DMX controller knows to send DATA assigned to address 1
to that unit, no matter where it is located in the DMX chain.
Dipswitches in DMX mode:
This unit uses dipswitches to assign a
DMX address. Each dipswitch represents a binary value.
Dipswitch 1 address equals 1
Dipswitch 2 address equals 2
Dipswitch 3 address equals 4
Dipswitch 4 address equals 8
Dipswitch 5 address equals 16
Dipswitch 6 address equals 32
Dipswitch 7 address equals 64
Dipswitch 8 address equals 128
Dipswitch 9 address equals 256
Dipswitch 10 - Some units omit dipswitch 10. When a unit does
include dipswitch #10, it is usually used for special functions such as
Tri Fecta™
Set Up
Tri Fecta™
Control & Functions