Chapter 2
CN5 [WOL (Wake-on-LAN) Connector]:
Enable the Wake Up On LAN selection in BIOS's Power Management Setup Menu
to use this function. The capability to remotely manage PCs on a network is a
significant factor in reducing administrative and ownership costs. Magic Packet
technology is designed to give WOL capability to LAN controller. This header is
used to connect an add-in NIC (Network Interface Card) that gives WOL capability
to the motherboard.
CN5A [WOM (Wake-on-Modem) Connector]:
The Wake Up On Modem selection in BIOS's Power Management Setup Menu must
be enabled to use this function. This header is used to connect an add-in modem card,
which gives WOM capability to the motherboard.
Chapter 2
CN7 (Smart Card Reader Connector):
This connector must be connected to a Smart card reader, which allows you to
transfer data through Smart Cards and Smart Card user interface software.
CN9 (Chassis Open Alarm Connector):
This connector is for a chassis open alarm; it provides a buzzer sound when an
attempt to open the chassis occurs.