Step 5:
Fit the new air pressure switch ensuring
the tubes are connected as shown below.
Step 6:
Re-connect wiring.
Step 7:
Test product and close access door.
7.3 Gas Valve Replacement
Step 1:
Remove the burner assembly as
described in the servicing section.
Step 2:
Open the rear access door.
Step 3:
Remove the two securing screws
(arrowed) from the base of the injector tube,
noting earth terminal connection.
Step 4:
Remove the gas valve wiring
connections, noting their positions.
Step 5:
Remove the four screws (arrowed)
securing the gas valve inlet plate to the burner
housing and remove plate.
Step 6:
Remove gas valve rearwards as shown.
Step 7:
The jet carrier and gas inlet can now be
detached from the gas valve.
Step 8:
Replace gas valve.
Step 9:
Re-connect wiring.
Step 10:
Set burner pressure.
Step 11:
Test product and close access door.