Cooling Mode
Set the thermostat to the desired temperature then set the
mode switch to high or low cool. The fan motor will start
first then the compressor will start approximately 10 sec-
onds later. When the room temperature has reached the
desired temperature the compressor will shut off and the
fan will continue to run for 30 seconds then shut off. If the
fan cycle switch has been set to "ON" or the electronic board
has been programmed for "ON" the fan will continue to run.
Heating Mode
Set the thermostat to the desired temperature then set the
mode switch to high or low heat. The fan motor will start,
the reversing valve will engage and then the compressor or
electric heat strip will start. If the unit is a heat pump the
temperature of the room and the set point of the thermo-
stat will determine if the unit brings on the compressor or
electric heat. The room temperature will need to be within
4 degree's of the thermostat set point on "C-K" models and
2 1/2 degree's on "A-B" models for the compressor to come
on in the heat pump mode. Any time the temperature of
the room is more then 4 degree's or 2 1/2 degree's colder
than the set point the electric heat will be energized. The
outdoor coil thermostat or thermistor will lock out the com-
pressor when the outdoor coil reaches a certain tempera-
ture. Clamp on bi-metal thermostat disc's may be on "A-B"
model units. The bi-metal thermostats will open when the
coil temperature reaches 25º ± 5º and closes at 50º. The
plug in thermistors on the "C-K" models will lock the com-
pressor out at 24º outdoor temperature and allow heat pump
operation to come back on at 33º.
• Automatic 3-minute Compressor Lockout -
After the
compressor cycles off, it will not restart for three min-
utes. This feature is enabled in standard or remote ther-
mostat control.
This delay may be defeated by shorting the “FD1”
and “FD2” terminals together for a minimum of 5 seconds
• Compressor lock-in feature-
Whenever the compres-
sor is switched from off to on because the room tem-
perature has risen above or fallen below the specified
limit it will remain on for at least four minutes. How-
ever , if the thermostat point is changed during the
four minutes this lock in feature is overridden.
• Automatic 2nd Stage Electric Heat (Heat Pump Mod-
If the room temperature falls to 4°F below the set
point temperature, the reverse cycle heat pump is shut
off and the strip heat is turned on.
• Automatic Freeze Protection -
Whenever power is sup-
plied to the unit and the master switch is in the ON
position, automatic freeze protection is active. If the
thermistor senses temperature below 40°F+/-5°F, the
fan motor and electric strip heat (or hydronic heat, if
applicable) are switched on. The heater and fan will
remain on until the Thermistor senses a temperature
of 43°F.
• Fan Advance/ Delay-
The advance feature will allow
the fan to start six seconds prior to the compressor
starting in either cooling or heating mode. The delay
will keep the fan running for thirty seconds after the
compressor stops in either cooling or heating modes.
• Remote Thermostats -
Always use an approved ther-
mostat supplied by the manufacturer. A wall thermo-
stat that has not been approved by the manufacturer
may not work correctly with this unit.
• Remote Functions -
All functions are controlled by a
wall mounted thermostat.
• Remote Fan-
When GL terminal is connected to R ter-
minal the remote fan speed is switched to low. GH ter-
minal connected to the R terminal fan speed is switched
to high.
• Fuse Protection-
The fuse protection has been maxi-
mized on the 24 volt circuit so accidental groundings of
the external terminals will not result in a burned out
board. The unit may be operated in standard mode if
the fuse is blown. There will be an auxiliary fuse sup-
plied with the board. It will be attached to the main
fuse by a plastic clip. The fuse is a 500 ma fuse. When
replacing the fuse always use the correct fuse part
• Random Delay -
When the master switch is turned on
or power is reapplied to the control, all functionality
will be locked out for a random period between two and
four minutes, if Y or W inputs are active in remote or
the mode switch is set to HI/LO heat or cool. The delay
can be avoided if the front desk terminals are closed
for more than two seconds, or the mode switch is in the
off or fan only position.
• Transformer Selection-
Some boards come with the
transformer selection set for on-board use, if an exter-
nal transformer is utilized move the jumper from "ON-
BOARD to EXTERNAL". If applicable, the wiring for an
external transformer connects to the "EXT XFRMR" ter-
• Indoor Ambient Thermistor-
The Indoor Ambient Ther-
mistor senses actual room temperature.