Ducts shall not serve both upper and lower combustion air
openings where both such openings are used. The separation between
ducts servicing upper and lower combustion air openings shall be main-
tained to the source of combustion air.
Ducts shall not be screened where terminating in an attic space.
Horizontal upper combustion air ducts shall not slope down-
ward toward the source of combustion air.
The remaining space surrounding a chimney liner, gas vent, spe-
cial gas vent, or plastic piping installed within a masonry, metal, or
factory built chimney shall not be used to supply combustion air.
Exception: Direct vent appliances designed for installation in a solid
fuel-burning fireplace where installed in accordance with the
manufacture’s installation instructions.
Combustion air intake openings located on the exterior of the
building shall have the lowest side of the combustion air intake openings
located at least 12 in. (300 mm) vertically from the adjoining grade level.
Horizontal Applications and Considerations
Horizontal applications, in particular, may dictate many of
the installation’s specifics such as airflow direction, duct-
work connections, flue and/or combustion air pipe connec-
tions, etc. The basic application of this furnace as a hori-
zontal furnace differs only slightly from an upright installa-
tion. When installing a furnace horizontally, additional con-
sideration must be given to the following:
Drain Trap and Lines
In horizontal applications the condensate drain trap is se-
cured to the furnace side panel, suspending it below the
furnace. A minimum clearance of 5.5" below the furnace
must be provided for the drain trap. Additionally, the appro-
priate downward piping slope must be maintained from the
drain trap to the drain location. Refer to
Condensate Drain
Trap and Lines
section in this manual or the installation
instructions for further details. If the drain trap and drain line
will be exposed to temperatures near or below freezing, ad-
equate measures must be taken to prevent condensate from
The use of insulation and/or heat tape is
recommended. Failure to provide proper condensate drain-
age can result in property damage.
Leveling ensures proper condensate drainage from the heat
exchanger and induced draft blower. For proper flue pipe
drainage, the furnace must be level lengthwise from end to
end. The furnace should also be level from back to front or
have a slight tilt with the access doors downhill (approxi-
mately 3/4") from the back panel. The slight tilt allows the
heat exchanger condensate, generated in the recuperator
coil, to flow forward to the recuperator coil front cover.
In horizontal installations with the furnace laying on the left
hand side, the alternate vent connection may be used. In
this configuration the internal elbow is removed. The stan-
dard piping connections may also be used in these posi-
tions. Refer to
Vent/Flue Pipe and Combustion Air Pipe
section in the installation instructions for details concerning
the conversion to the alternate vent/flue and combustion air
connections on the 90% furnace.
The 34.5" single stage furnace is one of the products in our
newly redesigned line of shorter chassis furnaces. It is avail-
able in 92% / 96% AFUE up flow / horizontal model and a
down flow / horizontal model.
The up flow / horizontal 34.5" single stage furnace is avail-
able in the following models:
The down flow / horizontal 34.5" single stage furnace is avail-
able in the following models.