D-000348 Rev. A
If you are experiencing issues with Stride Smart, we
may ask you to restart your device. Please do this by
logging into the Facility Settings Screen, and clicking
the soft “Restart” button.
Shut Down
We have designed the Via400 to remain on at all times.
The computer and the displays draw exactly 45W,
which is less than a 60W light bulb.
The soft Shut Down button should only be used if Stride
Smart and the Anti-Gravity Treadmill must be powered
down. Please shut down the unit before unplugging
anything from the wall.
The system will start up automatically once it is plugged
back into the wall.
Calibrate Deck Weight – Service Tab
If you are having issues with calibration,
you may need to recalibrate the deck
weight. Please contact AlterG Service
prior to resetting the deck weight.
Select the Service Tab. To recalibrate
deck weight, make sure there is no
weight on the treadmill deck. There can’t
be anyone standing inside, or on the
sides of the treadmill.
Click “Set Deck Weight” (Figure 38).
This number should be around 200 lbs (+/- 50).
If you continue to have issues with calibration please contact our AlterG Service Team.
Figure 37
Figure 38