Subject to change without notice | 83051400cUK – Translation into English of the original German operating manual | ait-deutschland GmbH
Flush heating circuit thoroughly prior to connecting
the unit to the heating circuit...
Contamination and deposits in the heating cir-
cuit can cause malfunctions.
Install shut-off devices for the hot water outflow
(forward flow) and hot water inflow (return flow)
on the heat pump side.
During installation of the shut-off devices, the
evaporator and condenser of the heat pump can
be flushed, if necessary.
Connect the unit to the pipes of the heating circuit
via vibration decouplers. They must be installed in
order to prevent damage from vibrations to the
Vibration decouplers are available as accessories.
LW 90A/RX…:
1 Hot water inflow (return flow) connection
2 Hot water outflow (forward flow) connection
3 Condensate water hose
LW 140A/RX:
1 Hot water inflow (return flow) connection
2 Hot water outflow (forward flow) connection
3 Condensate water hose
Install the condensate water hose in the unit so that
there is no contact with refrigerant pipes.
Make sure that frost-free condensate discharge is
Installation plan for respective model.
Heat pump planning manual.
Seal empty pipes on unit side.
The condensate from the air must be discharged frost-
free via a condensate pipe with a minimum diameter of
50 mm. For underlying surfaces that are permeable to
water, it is sufficient to insert the condensate pipe ver-
tically at least 90 cm into the ground. If the condensate
is discharged into drainage or sewage systems, install
frost-free with gradient.
Discharge of the condensate into the sewage system
is permitted only via a funnel siphon, which must be
accessible at all times.