ADM-XRC-9R1 User Manual
V1.7 - 16th Sept 2020
3.2 XMC Platform Interface
3.2.1 IPMI I2C
A 2 Kbit I2C EEPROM (type M24C02) is connected to the XMC IPMI. This memory contains board information
(type, voltage requirements etc.) as defined in the XMC based specification.
3.2.2 MBIST#
Built-In Self Test. This output signal is connected to FPGA pin K10. It is not driven by default.
3.2.3 MVMRO
XMC Write Prohibit. This signal is an input from the carrier. When asserted (high), all writes to non-volatile
memories are inhibited. This is indicated by the Amber LED, D9.
The MVMRO signal has a 100K
pull-up resistor fitted by default.
This signal cannot be internally driven or over-ridden. A buffered version of the signal is connected to the PS at
pin K19.
3.2.4 MRSTI#
XMC Reset In. This signal is an active low input from the carrier. A this signal connected to the PS at pin J12.
This signal can also drive the PS power-on-reset pin depending on SW1-7
A buffered version of MRSTI# is also connected to the FPGA at pin G21.
3.2.5 MRSTO#
XMC Reset Out. This optional output signal is driven from the FPGA pin K12.
Module Present. This output signal is connected directly to GND.
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Functional Description