Open the contacts onterminal block X2. The events will be analogical to previous pt.’s 2-4, but the
position of the contacts will have changed from “Closed” to “Open”, the Relay Switch LED indicator
will glow green and
the SMS notification will contain the text “Pcn OFF”.
Changing the Parameter Value Settings
Value parameter settings are installed during the (1
) first power-up and can later be changed.
The parameter values can be changed using the following methods.
The GSM Relay Sensor Alarm Switch
settings can be configured by using the “Online Service”
located at service.alpha-
safe.com, by utilizing the “Express GSM Configurator” for Android or iOS
or by using the application for central monitoring “GSM Panel” available for download from
play.google.com (search: “Express GSM” or “GSM Panel”).
The created configuration will be sent to the GSM Relay Sensor Alarm Switch SIM card.
1. Using the primary notification telephone, create an SMS message using values in accordance with
table 4.
For example, in order to change the notification method, it is necessary to send an SMS
message containing the following text: “18)0”; where 18) indicates the cell number and 0 indicates
the selected parameter value.
Characters are entered without quote marks and spaces.
In order to change several parameters at once, it is necessary to list the parameters separating
them with a comma. For example:
“2)+1xxxxxxxxxx,18)3,27)Alarm,36)1” etc.
Characters are entered without quote marks and spaces.
Access “Programing” mode in the GSM Relay Sensor Alarm Switch (item 2.3).
3. Send a previously prepared SMS message to the GSM Relay Sensor Alarm Switch telephone (SIM
card) number.
4. Wait to receive an SMS notification confirming the selected parameter values.
It is possible to change and configure the parameter values directly with the aid of a GSM
mobile telephone. In order to accomplish this, install the GSM Relay Sensor Alarm Switch SIM card
into any GSM mobile telephone. To access the necessary parameter, open the telephone book,
select the cell to be altered and make the necessary changes in accordance with table 4.
For example, in order to change the primary notification telephone number, in the telephone
book select “1SMS”, then select “change”, erase the old number and record the new primary
notification telephone number, etc.
Some mobile telephone models do not support this function.
In cell’s No.26 and No.27, (Pcn ON and Pcn OFF), instead of setting (changing) the
value, the cell label name should be changed.
In addition to the change parameter methods listed above, adding/ deleting notification
telephone numbers can also be accomplished via a telephone call from the primary notification