25 August 2016
LPAssem Version 1.1
You can test fit the bridge and tailpiece onto the posts at this time. Then remove them, since they will
fall off without strings in place while we finish the rest of the build.
Install The Jack Plate
The Jack plate goes in now so that the wires are accessible when installing the pickguard.
Feed the wires (which are hooked into a connector) through the hole into the control cavity. (Figure 30)
Place the Jack Plate onto the body and align the four screw holes. You might need to bend the
connectors a bit to get a proper fit.
This is a High Scratch Risk zone! Place painters tape on the body around the jack plate ends. There is
no functional use for the tape. It is there to protect the finish.(Figure 31)
Using a good fitting screwdriver, screw the plate onto body, careful not to over tighten, damage the
screw heads, or stripping the hole.
Remove any tape used to protect the finish.
Install the Switch
Carefully feed the wires from the switch trhough the hole in the switch cavity, to the neck pickup cavity,
the bridge pickup cavity and finally into the control pocket.
Remove the nut and washer from the switch.
Pass the switch into the switch cavity and out the top of the guitar. Be careful not to kink the wires while
you do this.
Put on the washer and nut and make the nut snug. You will want to wait to tighten this down to make
Figure 28 Bridge posts
Figure 29 Tailpiece posts
Figure 30 Wire Fed Through
Figure 31 Protective tape