LPAssem Version 1.1
25 August 2016
strings and thereby reduce the amount of noise nad electrical interference you might experience.
(Figure 25)
Install the Bridge and Tailpiece
These LP-style guitars have a TOM-style bridge and stop tail piece. Bushings are inserted into the body,
posts are screwed into the bushings, and the bridge and tailpiece are mounted on the posts. Ideally, you
have a drill press available for pressing the bushings into the body. However, the following description
assumes that you do not.
Place the body face up on a sturdy, soft workspace.
Make sure that the ground line from the controls is in the hole for the bridge bushing before pushing
the bushing in.
With a small screw driver press the wire in the bridge post down into the hole. This way, it will stay in
place when we insert the bushing into the hole.
Press in the bushings for the bridge (closest to the neck) and stop tailpiece (farthest from the neck).
Using your fingers to do this insertion works, though the fit may be quite tight. If you can’t push them in
using only your fingers, place a block of wood squarely on top of the bushing and press on it. (Figure
if you have a drill press (or arbor press) you can use this to press the bushings in. This assures that
you push the bushings straight into the body.
Screw the posts for the bridge (Figure 28) and tailpiece (Figure 29) into the bushings. For now, you can
just screw them all the way in - we will adjust them upwards as necessary later in the setup process.
Figure 25 Ground wire to Bridge Post
Figure 26 Clockwise from top right: Neck
volume, neck tone, bridge tone, bridge
Figure 27 Pressing bushings into body