Issue 0847
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intervals. If the defrost therm ostat is closed when the
selected com pressor run tim e interval ends (call for
defrost), the defrost relay is energized and defrost begins.
The factory setting is 60 m inutes. However, if frost
accum ulation is easily cleared, the optim um efficiency
setting is 90 m inutes.
Outdoor Unit Defrost Control Board
Defrost Control Tim ing Pins
Each tim ing pin selection provides a different
accum ulated com pressor run tim e period for one defrost
cycle. This tim e period m ust occur before a defrost cycle
is initiated. The defrost interval can be adjusted to 30
(/T1), 60 (T2), or 90 (T3) m inutes. The defrost tim ing
jum per is factory-installed to provided a 90-m inute defrost
interval. If the tim ing selector jum per is not in place the
control defaults to a 90-m inute defrost interval. The
m axim um defrost period is 14 m inutes and cannot be
A TEST option is provided for troubleshooting.
TEST mode may be started any tim e the unit is in the
heating m ode and the defrost therm ostat is closed or
If the jum per is in the TEST position at power-
up, the control will ignore the test pins. W hen the jum per
is placed across the TEST pins for 2 seconds, the control
will enter the defrost m ode. If the jum per is rem oved
before an additional 5 second period has elapsed ( 7
seconds total), the unit will rem ain in defrost m ode until the
defrost therm ostat opens or 14 m inutes have passed. If
the jum per is not rem oved until after the additional 5
second period has elapsed, the defrost will term inate and
the test option will not function again until the jum per is
rem oved and re-applied.
Com pressor Delay
The defrost board has a field-selectable function to
reduce occasional sounds that m ay occur while the unit is
cycling in and out of the defrost m ode. T he com pressor
will be cycled "off" for 30 seconds going in and out of the
defrost m ode when the com pressor delay jum per is
rem oved.
The 30 second "off" cycle is not functional when
jum pering the TEST pins.
Tim e Delay
The tim ed-off delay is 5 m inutes long. The delay help to
protect the com pressor from short-cycling in case the
power to the unit is interrupted or a pressure switch opens.
The delay is bypassed by placing the tim er select jum per
across the TEST pins for 0.5 seconds.
Pressure Sw itch Circuit
The defrost control incorporates 2 pressure switch
circuits. The optional high pressure switch connects to the
boards HI PS term inals. The low pressure switch is factory
During a single dem and cycle, the defrost control will lock
out the unit after the fifth tim e that the circuit is interrupted
by any pressure switch wired to the control board. In
addition, the diagnostic LEDs will indicate a locked-out
pressure switch after the fifth occurrence of an open
pressure switch. The unit will rem ain locked out until
power to the board is interrupted, then re-established or
until the jum per is applied to the T EST pins for 0.5
The defrost control board ignores input from the
low-pressure switch term inals as follows:
During the TEST m ode,
During the defrost cycle,
During the 90 second start-up period,
and for the first 90 seconds each tim e the reversing
valve switches heat/cool m odes.
If the TEST pins
are jum pered and the 5 minute delay is being by-
passed, the LO PS term inal signal is not ignored
during the 90 second start-up period.
Diagnostic LEDS
T he defrost board uses 2 LEDs for diagnostics. The
LEDs flash a specific sequence according to the condition.
Defrost Control board Diagnostic LED
Green LED (DS2)
Red LED (DS1)
No power to control
Normal operation/
power to control
Simultaneous Slow FLASH
Anti-short cycle
Alternating Slow FLASH
Low pressure switch
fault (Optional)
Low pressure switch
lockout (Optional)
High pressure switch
fault (Optional)
High pressure Switch
lockout (Optional)