Spanning Tree Commands
This command retrieves the Spanning Tree bridge parameters. If
Spanning Tree is disabled, no parameters will be retrieved.
This command retrieves the Spanning Tree port parameter table. If
Spanning Tree is disabled, no parameters will be retrieved.
This command retrieves the Spanning Tree state of all the ports.
This command sets the Spanning Tree bridge priority of the Switch.
priority is an integer in the range 0..65535.
set-br-prio <priority>
set-br-maxage <maxage>
This command sets the Spanning Tree bridge MaxAge. This is the
amount of time between Spanning Tree configuration messages.
Note that maxage is in units of seconds in the range 6..40.
set-br-hellot <hello_time>
This command sets the Spanning Tree bridge Hello Time. hello_time
is an integer in the range 1..10. Note that hello_time is in units of
set-br-fwdel <forward_delay>
This command sets the Spanning Tree bridge Forward Delay. This
controls the amount of time between the listening and forwarding
Spanning Tree states, and is completely unrelated to the forwarding
latency. Note that forward_delay is an integer in units of seconds in
the range 4..30.