Port Configuration Commands
The information displayed contains:
An interface number (port-id)
LAN type: ETH-10 indicates 10 Mbps Ethernet ETH-10/100
indicates 10/100 Mbps Ethernet ETH-100 indicates 100 Mbps
Link status: ON/OFF
Physical Interface Type: TP
Speed selected: FORC10 (10Mbps), FORC100 (100Mbps),
ASENSE (Autosense)
LAN Speed: 10Mbps or 100Mbps
Full Duplex mode: OFF = Standard Ethernet (default Half
Duplex), ON = Full Duplex
Enable: ON = port enabled (default), OFF = port disabled
set-port-dplex <port_number> {half|full}
The set-port-dplex command specifies if the given port will be active
in full-duplex or in half-duplex (Standard Ethernet) mode. The default
is half-duplex.
SYS_console>set-port-dplex 2 full
Port configured in <full duplex> mode
Parameter change in NVRAM OK