R-230, -250, -270
SWELL ORGAN: continued
French Trumpet 8’
Chorus reed stop of rich harmonic development. Can also be
used as a solo voice.
Oboe 8’
A solo reed of nasal timber and medium power. It will also give
definition to the flute chorus when added.
Use of this stop provides a vibrato effect, natural in the human
voice and wind instruments, when used with the stops in the
Swell division.
Delicate percussion sound similar to a music box.
Typical sound of stringed harpsichord.
Swell Unison Off
Turns off stops in the Swell Division at their normal pitch, while
allowing them to speak at octave and sub-octave pitch when the
octave and sub-octave couplers are drawn.
MIDI on Swell
Opens MIDI channel to the Swell
Solo Organ Voices
See Section III, Page 19
Diapason 8’
Foundation stop of the Great principal chorus, which consists of
the Diapason 8’, Octave 4’, and Fifteenth 2’.
Harmonic Flute 8’
Tone quality of solo stature. Basic tone of the flute chorus.
Flute Celeste II 8’
(Swell Expression)
Two soft flute tones, one slightly detuned from the other to
create a warm celeste.
Octave 4’
The 4’ member of the Great principal chorus.
Spitzflöte 4’
Partially stopped flute tone.
Fifteenth 2’
An open metal stop that produces foundation tone at the 2’ pitch
Mixture IV
A compound stop of principal tones. Four notes in octave and
fifth relationships sound together when a single key is
depressed. As pitches progress upward, they “break” back to
the next lower octave or fifth. Used to cap the Great principal
chorus, adding brilliance and pitch definition.