R-230, -250, -270
PEDAL ORGAN: continued
Great to Pedal
Connects all Great stops to the Pedal.
Swell to Pedal
Connects all Swell stops to the Pedal.
MIDI on Pedal
Opens MIDI channel to the Pedal.
Lieblichgedackt 16’
Stopped flute voice of delicacy and definition. Useful where soft
16’ pitch is required.
Stopped flute tone of moderate harmonic development.
Provides the 8’ member of the Swell flute chorus and is useful
by itself or with other flutes and mutations in creating solo
Viola Pomposa 8’
Soft string tone.
Viola Celeste 8’
String tone, slightly detuned, used with the Viola Pomposa 8’ to
create a warm string celeste. Celestes are created by using two
sounds, one tuned slightly sharp or flat of the other, creating a
warm, undulating, “celestial” effect
Flute Celeste II 8’
Much like Viola Celeste except tone color is flute instead of
Octave Geigen 4’
Principal tone with a string-like edge.
Traverse Flute 4’
Distinctive stopped flute voice that works well in ensembles of
flutes or strings, or as a solo voice.
Nasard 2-2/3’
Flute mutation that sounds one octave and a fifth above the key
played. Always used with other stops (usually beginning with
8’) for coloration.
Piccolo 2’
A delicate, clear open flute at 2’ pitch.
Tierce 1-3/5’
Flute mutation that causes the pitch to sound a seventeenth (two
octaves and a third) higher than played. Used with 8’ stops or
flute ensembles.