Rockwell Automation Publication 1734-IN043B-EN-E - January 2019
POINT I/O 4 Channel IO-Link Master Module
About the Module
The POINT I/O 4 Channel IO-Link Master Module provides four channels
that can be individually configured as IO-Link master or as a standard digital I/
O module. The IO-Link channel master module can be configured to fit any
IO-Link and/or discrete application.
In IO-Link mode, the module supports four channels for IO-Link master
communication with IO-Link compatible devices. In standard digital I/O mode,
the module supports four channels of digital input or output. Standard digital
input channels support IEC61131-2 type 1 input. Channels can also be disabled
if not in use.
You must use this module with the 1734-AENT or 1734-AENTR, Series B
EtherNet/IP adapters, firmware revision 5.012 or later, and RSLogix 5000®/
Studio 5000® software, version 20 or later. Use this diagram to identify the
external features of the module.