● Slot 2: Use slot 2
Upload ID:
Allow user to set an APRS TG as the destination.
Digi APRS Info
The received APRS information will be saved in radio for look back use.
Click on "Digi APRS Info" will show the received APRS information.
Click on "Delete All" will clear the information.
Intervals Set
This function allows you to set the analog APRS or DMR APRS auto
transmit at fixed times.
Upload Beacon
GPS Beacon:
The APRS will transmit the GPS data, only if the GPS is
to on first, then GPS must also successfully lock on the satellites.
Fixed Beacon:
The APRS will transmit the fixed beacon data. Someone
can transmit the fixed beacon without setting the GPS on. The fixed
beacon location information should be set in CPS firstly.
More setup are available by PC software only. CPS-Tools-Options-
APRS, you have to check on the APRS box first to get APRS menu add
to the left Digital menu.
(APRS is a registered trademark of Bob Bruninga, WB4APR)
Digital Monitor
DigiMoni Switch
off: Turn off Digital Monitor
Single Slot: Monitor the current TS
Double Slot: Monitor TS1 and TS2
DigiMoni Cc
Any Cc: Monitor any color code
Same Cc: Monitor the same color code
DigiMoni Id
Any Id: Monitor any TG
Same Id: Monitor the same TG
Slot Hold
Off: Turn off the slot hold
On: Turn on the slot hold
Recommend to turn on slot hold when monitor double slot TS1 and TS2,
when the signal is disappear in one slot, instead of switching to the other
slot at once, the radio will hold on some seconds and wait for the audio
1. How to Respond and Save a call in Digital Monitor Mode
During Digital Monitor, when receive a call with unmatched ID, press
key, the screen will display "
Monitor Response Setup Successfully
key will reponse to the call.
key, the radio will remind you choose a Zone, you can choose
a zone and save the new channel to the Zone.