Flywheel. The number of frames the AI-2 will flywheel when in
time code chase. In normal operation this number should be
10 frames, which permits significant interruption to the time code
input, while retaining positive transport response.
The continuous option can be used when it is desired to run the
ADAT transports for longer than the available input time code.
When using continuous, care should be taken to ensure that the
time code source and the AI-2 are both connected to a common
reference, such as video sync.
Phase Mode. This allows control of the AI-2 lock mode in
chase. Phase Mode On is normal resolve after lock operation.
Phase Mode Off provides for automatic resynchronization, in the
event that a frame number difference or frame offset error
develops, for example, due to a tape splice.
Phase Mode On (default mode). After initial synchronization,
the AI-2 reverts to a phase-lock mode and maintains resolved
speed, while ignoring the actual value of the incoming reader
frame numbers. This allows the ADAT to "free-wheel" over any
discontinuities or jumps in time code. The Lock LED on the AI-2
will flash if a jump or discontinuity is greater than 25 subframes.
Phase Mode OFF. After initial synchronization, the AI-2 con-
tinues to read the frame numbers, and corrects for frame
number errors if they occur. If a frame number jump occurs, the
AI-2 will relocate and resynchronize the ADATs.
Auto E-E. Used by an editor to switch the ADAT transports to
all input when in stop or still.
Rec Field. Used to preset the video field that the ADAT will
enter record. This is normally controlled by the video editor.
6.5D Cue Menu
The Cue menu is used to select the active cue. Cue information is
read from and can be stored to the ADAT tape header. All ADAT
machines store information for 20 cues on tape. The
AI-2 reads this information from the master ADAT tape (first
machine) and transfers it to memory. This menu displays the Cue
Name, SMPTE Start Time and associated ADAT Tape Start Time
for the selected cue. In Alesis BRC documentation cues are
referred to as "Songs".
The current cue number is displayed in the lower left of the display.
Cues can be selected in any of the three submenus, Name, Start or
Tape by using the DOWN and UP keys.