The SET/HOLD key can be used to "capture" any time code num-
ber except the ADAT position error display register. Pressing the
SET/HOLD key and holding it down continuously "holds" or freezes
the display for observation for two seconds and then releases it to
continue incrementing normally. This allows the user to grab and
view a time code number on the fly.
A momentary press of the SET/HOLD key captures the display to
allow it to be altered or to enter a new time code value. When the
display is in Set/Hold mode one pair of time code digits will flash,
this pair can be modified with the DOWN/UP keys.
The frames pair of digits (00:00:00:00.00) is selected first, subse-
quent presses of the SET/HOLD key steps up through pairs of
digits, and then rotates back around to the subframe digits allowing
modification of the complete time code register. Once the correct
number is displayed press the STORE key to save the value and
exit Set/Hold mode.
In Set/Hold mode, simultaneously pressing the DOWN/UP keys for
1/2 sec will clear the time code value to all zeros, so that it is easy
to enter a completely new number. When a pair of digits that is
being adjusted with the DOWN or UP keys passes through 00 then
the next most significant pair of digits is incremented or
decremented by one, accordingly.
Set/Hold mode can be used to transfer a time code value from one
register to another register. Select the time code number to be
transferred and press the SET/HOLD key, then press the DISPLAY
key to step to the register that you wish to transfer to and press the
STORE key to save the new or modified value and exit Set/Hold
To exit Set/Hold mode with out saving your changes, press and
hold the SET/HOLD key for one second, the display will stop
flashing and the original register value will be restored.
The Offset register is treated as a special case, and changes to the
register value are made immediately. This permits the tape
machine position to be modified dynamically. When the ADAT
transport has the correct offset, press STORE or press and hold the
SET/HOLD key to exit Set/Hold mode.
The SET/HOLD key is also used in combination with the STORE
key to capture a value to the offset register. The AI-2 automatically
calculates the difference between the ADAT position and the time