QR codes take you where you want to go
quicky and easily
Whether you require product information, spare parts or
accessories, details on warranties or aftersales service, or if you
want to watch a product demonstration video, our QR codes will
take you there in no time at all.
What is a QR code?
A QR-code (QR=Quick Response) is a type of matrix that can be
read with a smartphone camera and that contains a link to a
website or contact details, for example.
Advantage: You are not required to manually enter a website
address or contact details.
How it works
To scan the QR code, all you need is a smartphone with QR
codes reader software and an Internet connection*. This type of
software can be downloaded for free from your smartphone’s
app store.
Try it out now
Just scan the QR code with your smartphone and find out more
about the Aldi product you have
* Depending on your tariff you may be charged for the connection.