OmniSwitch BPS Operation
OmniSwitch Backup Power Shelf/System (BPS)
page 4-26
OmniSwitch Backup Power Shelf/System (BPS)
January 2013
OmniSwitch BPS Operation
The amount of power supplied by the OS-BPS depends on the number of system and/or PoE power
supplies installed as noted in the table below:
Single Mode (N+1)
When configured in single mode the OS-BPS power is unmanaged, meaning all the installed system power
supplies act as a single redundant system power supply and all the installed PoE power supplies act a
single redundant PoE power supply to provide backup power. There is no priority given to any connector,
the OS-BPS will continue to provide power as long as the amount of power required by the OmniSwitches
is less than the total power available on the OS-BPS. The number of OmniSwitch primary power supplies
that can fail but still have redundant system power supplied by the OS-BPS depends on the number of OS-
BPS system power supplies installed. PoE coverage is dependent on PoE power usage. Multiple power
failovers will only be supported for PoE if the total current draw is less than available PoE power on the
Full Mode (N+N)
When configured in full mode the OS-BPS power is managed, meaning if the power requirements of the
switches becomes greater than what the OS-BPS can provide, the OS-BPS will manage the power and
begin to shut down power based on connector priority. For additional information on connector priority
refer to
“OS-BPS Connector Priority” on page 4-5
for more information.
Do not change the power mode while the OS-BPS is providing power.
Changing the OS-BPS Mode
To change the mode that the OS-BPS is operating in us the
power bps mode
-> power bps mode full
1 System P/S (450W)
Can support up to 4 OS6850E primary power supply failures.
2 System P/S (900W)
Can support up to 8 OS6850E primary power supply failures.
1 PoE P/S
Can support up to1200W (low line) or 2000W (high line) of PoE
2 PoE P/S
Can support up to 2400W (low line) or 4000W (high line) of PoE
3 PoE P/S
Can support up to 3600W (low line) or 6000W (high line) of PoE